Siinkohal lisan tutvustuseks videoklipi "Who do you belong to?", mis minu arvates on vägagi hästi vormistatud. Iseasi on see, kas selline stiil - Christian Hardcore meeldib paljudele. Kindlasti mitte. Aga kas peabki meeldima? Tegemist on nö vihaste vendadega, aga kes teevad tööd oma huvigrupis. See projekt on kindlasti üks viis jõuda tõsise sõnumiga raske muusika austajateni.
Lugu "Destroyer" on äsja avaldatud kristlikus portaalis tangle.com
Ready yourself for the end
Ready yourself cause you cannot pretend
Ready yourself for the late, for the great
The Destroyer’s surrounded and cannot defend
The lives that you thought that were yours to devour
Destroyer, the tables have turned in this hour
The plagues you unleashed, every vice that you fed
Shall be visited here tenfold on your head
Let go
Cause you know
In the end all you were was a pawn in the show
Witness the fear of the fiends
Open the floodgates, behold and believe
Witness the pain, let it rain on the beast
For the serpent is slain in a blaze of defeat
Koduleht Project 86 Picket Fence Cartel
Project 86 heategevusprojekt: To bring relief to women at risk in Ethiopia.
Wikipedia Projekt 86
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