Pildil: Bob Dylan Azkena Rock Festivalil, 2010.
Proovisin leida Bob Dylan´i laulu "Are You ready?" originaalesitust, kuid kahjuks ei õnnestunud. Kuid leidsin sellest väga põneva versiooni, mida interpreteerib Fairfield Four. Siin see on, kuulake ja nautige!
Laul "Are you ready?" ilmus Bob Dylani albumil "Saved" aastal 1980.
Laulu sõnad:
Are you ready, are you ready?
Are you ready, are you ready?
Are you ready to meet Jesus?
Are you where you ought to be?
Will He know you when He sees you
Or will He say, “Depart from Me”?
Are you ready, hope you’re ready
Am I ready, am I ready?
Am I ready, am I ready?
Am I ready to lay down my life for the brethren
And to take up my cross?
Have I surrendered to the will of God
Or am I still acting like the boss?
Am I ready, hope I’m ready
When destruction cometh swiftly
And there’s no time to say a fare-thee-well
Have you decided whether you want to be
In heaven or in hell?
Are you ready, are you ready?
Have you got some unfinished business?
Is there something holding you back?
Are you thinking for yourself
Or are you following the pack?
Are you ready, hope you’re ready
Are you ready?
Are you ready for the judgment?
Are you ready for that terrible swift sword?
Are you ready for Armageddon?
Are you ready for the day of the Lord?
Are you ready, I hope you’re ready
Bob Dylan saab 24. mail 70 aastaseks. Palju õnne vanameistrile!Vanameister Zimmy´l on käsil kontsertturnee, mis toimub üle kogu maailma. Näiteks homme esineb ta Austraalias, Adelaides ja ka paljudes teistes Austraalia linnades. Euroopas avaneb esimene võimalus teda kuulata 18. juunil Londonis (Londoni kontserdile on piletid veel saadaval!). 20. juunil astub ta üles ka Tel Avivis, Ramat Gan Stadiumil. Pärast seda 22. juunil Milanos, Itaalias. Vt lähemalt Bob Dylani kodulehelt.
Loe lisaks: Bob Dylan: Tangled up in (Israeli) Jews
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